This event happened 6 weeks ago, but whatever.
Last year the kids wanted to have a back to school party. I wanted to keep it simple so when they came up with the theme of water balloons and popsicles I was all over it! I mean really what more do kids need to have fun? Last year we had 500 balloons (all of which I tied because my kids did not know how to tie balloons at that time) and 150 popsicles - we invited a few friends over and had the party in our backyard. The 500 water balloons lasted all of 5 minutes. Yes, you read that correctly - 5 minutes - my fingers ached for days and all my hard work was over in 5 minutes. It was fun nonetheless. Last year everyone averaged 7 popsicles each - even the adults. Last year was fun, but it didn't even compare to this year. This year we were smarter. New rules! We invited lots of our friends - their price of admission - 100 filled water balloons. My children learn to tie balloons this past year and since it was their party they had to fill 200 balloons each (all except Boy 3, he still can't tie a balloon and if he is smart he won't learn how for a few more years! ;o). I bought the popsicles - all 600 of them. I tied 0 balloons. My fingers did not hurt at all! We had the party in the driveway and in the street. Even the teens got involved. We had at least 1500 balloons, 3 slip and slides, water hoses coming from every spigot we could find and unlimited popsicles!
I'm not sure who had more fun at this party - me or the kids.
I know, I know - we have been back in school for 3 weeks now. I'm a little behind. Back on the 17th of August we had a battalion back to school bash at Summer Fun Water Park in Belton. This is a small water park, but it was packed with loads of fun! This was my first time at this water park, and I was sad about this....if I had known about this water park before now we would have had summer passes!! Summer Fun Water Park is perfect for younger kids (under the age of 12) but all will have fun here! They have 2 big water slides, a lazy river, a big pool, rings that you try to swing across the pool on, a little kid section volley ball pits and lots of places to hang out in the shade. You can bring in food and drinks, but if you don't - no need to worry they have a full snack bar complete with pizza and sno-cones! AND the prices are reasonable. Seriously - if you buy a soda here, don't forget to save your cup because refills are much cheaper if you bring your cup back! The battalion rented a pavilion for the day. Hooah! :) We all got a kick out of this sign. We are the HHBn, not the HHBM. Boy 3's first time down the water slide...he took it nice and easy the first time, but after that all bets were off and he was flying! I never saw anyone get past the 4th ring. Some of you may have noticed that I am a *wee* bit competitive. We started having water slide races (they have 2 water slides exactly the same right next to each other), and I want you all to know that I am the water slide CHAMPION for the HHBn. I beat all children and adults. Yeah, I'm proud. ;o) I always have on a little CAV flair. HHBn spouses and children battle it out for the traveling trophy with a back to school trivia game. Ops Company - Proud new owners of the traveling trophy! They were tied with I&S Company and DSC - the tie breaker was who could sing the Army Song the best....Way to go Ops CO!!! The coveted traveling trophy.
This flag still stands for FREEDOM. 10 years ago on this day I was 8 months pregnant with Girl, I was at home in Fort Knox, KY watching Good Morning America. As I watched the second plane hit I knew at that moment it was not an accident. Post shut down. Ten years ago today we experienced the worst attack America will never forget. It has led to wars in Iraq and Afghanistan where my husband currently serves and where troops continue to deploy. Today and every day I pray for all their safety. Today and every day I remember those that have lost their lives and pray for those that lost loved ones. Today and every day I remember the first responders and say thank you to them. I would also like to say thank you to the ones that got out alive and still wear the scars on the inside and outside who often wonder 'why was I spared'. Today and every day I say thank you to all that have served and are serving our country. Today and every day I say thank you to my husband who has missed first steps, first haircuts, the first visit from the Tooth Fairy, the first day of kindergarten, the first day of junior high, countless birthdays, anniversaries, Christmases and too many normal days to count. He does this for us, all of us, you included and he is just one of many. Thank you to my children who don't know any other life and live this life to the fullest. Thank you for being kids that honor their nation and The Flag, kids that when you hear the national anthem play you stop what you are doing and put you hand over your hearts and stand in reverence no matter where you are or what you are doing. Thank you for being kids that get angry when you see others not stopping in their paths to do the same. Thank you for being kids that are proud to be called "Army Brats". Thank you for being kids that know Daddy's job is to leave for years at a time to 'go fight the bad guys' knowing all the while that you may not ever see your Daddy again. Thank you to all the military brats that live this life. Thank you to all the soldiers and your families for all the sacrifices you make during these long deployments because of what happened to all of us on this day 10 years ago...... Soldiers of 1st Cav HHBn Rear Detachment at Killeen High School, 9-11 Remembrance ceremony. Freedom Walk at Killeen High School. Wounded Warrior Transition Unit - walking in honor of those that have been effected by 9-11-01 Proud Army wives walking to honor all those effected by 9-11-01 Walking to honor our Maverick Battalion!! Thank you.
Just in case you don't know this...the Round Rock Express are total lovers of the military. They GIVE the military tickets ANYTIME they want them. For an extra bonus event in the month of August I picked up 80 tickets for the Round Rock Express Game - FOR FREE!!! Which I totally appreciated. Thanks to all the families that came out to support! Boy 3 showing his Granny where to go. Showing support for our soldiers so many miles away. Boys will be boys! Look Dad - one of the players came up and gave me a ball!! Round Rock Express, thanks so much for being so good to our military! You guys ROCK! (No pun intended.)
***Warning, I'm feeling down. Don't read if you are expecting me to be funny or uplifting - I am sure to disappoint. **** What a day. Today is Hubby's birthday. Birthdays are a big deal in our house. We like to pamper the birthday person. Today started off kind of 'blah'....everyone was feeling kind of 'blah', and the kids all woke up and said different 'blah' type things- one said - "today is Dad's birthday, what do you think he is doing?" One woke up and pathetically said "Happy Birthday Dad..." One burst into tears. Another was solemn. I was trying to keep it happy but all the while I was super sad on the inside. Typically we would send someone a package - a party in a box - and ask them to decorate Hubby's office. This year he specifically ask us NOT to do that. Crushed as we were we listened and honored his wishes. No party in a box. We sent him birthday packages, but that is not the same, no streamers, no balloons, no cake, no nothin'. I bet no one even knew it was his birthday - he's just that type of guy. Thinking about that (no one even knowing or caring that it was his birthday) all day today made me even more sad. No one was there to give him a hug, make him breakfast, decorate his room, or bake a birthday cake for him. He probably didn't even think twice about it being his birthday, it was just another day for him...he says every day is like Groundhog Day. I bet he didn't even save his birthday packages to open on his birthday. What made it even harder for me is that I couldn't even call him to say happy birthday.....sometimes I hate deployments, today was one of those days.
“What you talkin' about Willis?” Randy Travis? THE FREAKIN' Randy Travis? OK, many of you have no idea who I am talking about. Yeah, thanks for making me feel old. I appreciate that. I remember back in the day when I thought 40 year olds were ANCIENT. Now I think 40 is the new 20. Trust me you 20 year olds, when you hit 40 you will think the same thing. I was totally STOAKED when I found out RANDY TRAVIS was going to do a private concert for our families. Little did I know my smarty pants teenage son would say "Randy who?". Awesome. Then even better than my teenage son saying that, one of our guest (who is barely of legal age to be married - hehe) said the same thing to me. "Who is this Randy Travis guy, some of the older guest seems to be really excited about him". OK, she didn't say THOSE EXACT words, but they were close. ((Anna) you know who you are.)
OK, let's get back on track. I was totally sleep deprived, I had already swigged 2 espressos (yes Carlos, my secret weapon) and was working on a latte when I was heading to the main house for breakfast when Dillon (a guest) passed me and said in a VERY EXCITED but trying to be upset country voice - "Trish, I won't be able to make it to 'Financial Planning' this morning." In my concerned but perky caffeinated voice I said "Dillon, why not it is part of the itinerary..." then Dillon' cocks his head to the side and points to the new horse trailer and says "Randy Travis ask me to go ridding with him this morning, and well, I couldn't disappoint him". WHATEVER. :)
So on Day 4 we had many things planned, financial planning, horseback riding, (I actually think horseback riding was day 3, but I'm still putting it here since I forgot it before) fishing, kayaking, lunch at the boat house, free time, kids only NERF war, kids talent show, Senator Birdwell, and to top it off Randy Travis coming in for a private concert for our families. What a freaking great day...Randy made it even better by showing up an entire day early. (He made his first appearance in the Main Lodge sometime after 11PM the previous night when all of us staffers were hanging out in the staff house laughing and giggling. No one bothered to tell us Randy was hanging in the Main Lodge with our guest. (Thanks guys!)
What a great day it turned out to be......
Anywho... horseback riding.... Dillon feeling smug while he pets Randy's horse. Dillon and his new BFF, Randy Travis Kids talent show...... Kayaking..... Texas State Senator Brian Birdwell, retired Army LTC and 911 Pentagon survivor - his life story will touch your soul. Read about it in his book "Refined by Fire". I was honored to have met such an amazing man. SHUT THE FRONT door. We invited Randy to do a private concert for our guest, we didn't know he was going to sit in lodge and have a sing along with our guest. How awesome is that? A sing along with Randy Travis. What a great day, and wonderful night and exciting week! The following morning was check out. No one wanted to leave. Most people hung out till the last minute. The staff cleaned, giggled and cleaned more. Thanks for coming and till next time, THANK YOU FOR YOUR SERVICE!! CBA volunteers