You know you are an Army wife when....
.....even though your neighbor says she has a husband, you have never met him. - Trish hear mortar rounds in the distance and somehow feel comforted. - Jessica don't freak out when you see a man in full uniform, carrying a weapon, walking around the PX (the Army
version of Wal-Mart) - Jessica carry birth certificates, Social Security cards, orders, and other various paperwork (known only by and letters
and numbers) because you won't get turned away from the ID card counter more than once because you didn't
have the right form of ID!! - Jessica
.....your freakin air goes out one week after your soldier deploys! - Nancy understand that sometimes sisters come not from family. - Lisa hurry and wait. - Stacy have 4 or 5 different colored moving stickers on the back of most of your furniture. - LeAnn
.....when you run to the phone every time it rings even after your husband comes home from deployment. - Stacy get annoyed when your non-military friends are sad when their husbands are away for one week. -Anita
.....someone asks you where you are from and you really have to stop and think about it. - Meredith
.....entries in your address book are always written in pencil, never pen. - Samantha've been married for 6 years but have lived alone for 3 of them. - Crystal know your husband's SS# by heart but have to think REALLY HARD if someone EVER happens to ask for
yours. - Tammy T. recall the dates of historical events, songs, movies, etc. based on where you lived at the time. - Tammy T. can strike up friendships and form bonds within days/weeks rather than years and you can set up a house
in the same timeline. - Tammy T. can listen to your husband form a complete sentence using acronyms and know exactly what he is talking
about. - Tammy T. can't decide where to settle down because you have lived in SO MANY awesome places. - Tammy T. swell with pride and shed tears during any patriotic song, event or ceremony. - Tammy T. realize that you are married to an honest-to-God, bona-fide HERO!! - Carrie sleep with a photo on the pillow next to you and the phone in your hand. - Carrie pull out your Military ID when going into Target. - Cyndi can't help goading your NAVY sisters!! (Goat....goading...Making myself laugh - she also made Trish laugh
on this one!!) - Jefanna
.....your nephew (or any of your military family members) calls and says he will be driving through the town you live in
at midnight and needs a place to crash and you are more than happy toaccommodate.- Clint
.....3 years rolls around and you are asking..."When are we moving?". - Kelly
.....your kids have had more moves than years in school! - Beverly
.....someone ask your kids where they are from and they sound like a map. - Beverly
.....sending care packages with skivvies in them is something you don't giggle over. - Roxanne
.....pb&j, cereal & pizza are approved for dinner. - Roxanne
.....a house fire makes you freak out for less than 24 hours and then it is business as usual. - Roxanne 'get' the term 'moving season'. - Roxanne mark where your kids were born, milestones etc by where you were stationed - Lauren know how to handle every situation and can rig anything to work in a house because you know
you will only live there for a short time. - Lauren
.....when asked what date something happened you say during deployment number
1,2, 3 or 4... - Kelly
.....even though you are married, you haven't had sex in a year. - Celeste
.....when you tell your kids to get their ID and get in the POV to head to the commissary. - Christie
.....when you write out invitations to your son's b-day party and indicate the party lasts from 1330 - 1530. - Vickie totally "get it" when you're friends say its time for their hubby to go TDY!! - Marta
.....when you do more by 9 am that most folks do in a day. - Lara
.....when your kids know more about cultures of different countries than most Ambassadors. - Lara
.....when a 30 day training deployment isn't a long separation.. - Rose
.....when your husband comes home from work and asks, "Honey, where is (kids name)?" and you reply "TDY until
tomorrow." instead of saying "At a sleep over." - Tina can buckle military gear onto yourself correct so your soldier can check to see if it is clean for CIF. - Colleen
.....your husband refers to you as a dependent. - Jeff
.....your husband refers to you as Household 6. - Trish comfort your kids about bedroom allocations by saying "don't worry, when we move next time *you'll* get the
bigger room. - Kristin
.....your husband is retired and 4 years later you still cry for the things you miss, like FRG', your Army neighbors, and
day to day camaraderie. - Tammy S.
.....having total strangers around you that completely understand you without a word spoken. - Tammy S.
.....when driving onto an Army post and knowing you are home. Tammy S.