On day 5 we hung out with our friend Captain Bill at the fire station. I've been on many fire station tours, but this one took the cake! Captain Bill showed us and taught us everything from how the firemen live in the firehouse, to who cooks, who cleans, where they sleep, work out, play games, how they train, where they have meetings to what they do when they get a call. He talked to us about how they lay lines; break into homes on fire, how to save people from fires, wreckage and more! I left that fire house wanting one of my kids to grow up to be a firefighter one day! Oh, AND something I found a little shocking - Hubby had NEVER been on a firehouse tour! How is that even possible?!
Hanging out in the Engine listening to what Captain Bill is telling them over the headsets.
Captain Bill in full gear (including tank on back for breathing) - talking to the kids telling them if they are ever in a fire and see someone dressed like this coming towards them not to be scared.
Boy 2 finding out how heavy all that gear is!
Checking to see if his heart is still beating...
Thank goodness it is!
Learning about all the different hoses
Checking out all the cool fireman tools! (And learning what that yellow hose behind Captain Bill is...an exhaust tube they connect to the engines, so when the garage is closed up the firemen don't kill themselves with CO2.)
I've heard of them forever, but had never seen them...the 'jaws of life'!
Who knew fire engines were so technical?
We had an amazing day at the fire station. A special thanks to Captain Bill and to all the other Firefighters out there that help keep us safe! (Just on a side note, Boy 3 is now not sure he wants to be a teacher when he grows up, he is now thinking of becoming a firefighter in 13+ years.) Thank you Captain Bill for the AWESOME tour!