I hate to be the one to say it, but I'm going to...California Adventure park is SO MUCH MORE FUN than Disneyland. Really, I'm not joking. To be totally honest I was a bit disappointed in good ol' Disneyland. Is that because we have been to Disney World? Maybe. I don't know. It just wasn't impressive. California Adventure on the other hand was full of fun! Our first stop was......
That's right, The Hollywood Tower of Terror!!
And all six of us rode it.....
Boy 2's scared face....
The bellhop waiting to escort us to the elevator...
And here we are on the elevator.....
Check out girl....top row, hand on head. She was having so much fun!
Boy 3, you know our tough guy? He was so tough this entire ride, didn't cry once, but was absolutely scared to death - a side of him I have NEVER seen. When the elevator door opened and we saw ghost, he said with HUGE eyes, "Mom that is my nightmare"! Boy 2 was on the other side of me hanging on for dear life. I have never felt another person shake so much in fear as that boy was shaking. I'm surprised he didn't break his little hands he was holding onto the bars so tight!
After getting off the ride Boy 3 told me again that was his nightmare and he was certain he would not ride The Tower of Terror ever again. Everyone else ran around and got in line again.
Another thing I LOVED about CA is the 'little' parades that kept coming around!
A bugs life, so much FUN!! And maybe I'm biased, but I have some pretty cute bugs!
The 'kids' had lots of fun running around in Tarzan's Tree House!
About to hang with the Muppets!!
I can't believe I forgot to show you this!! The candy is a jaw breaker. This is the BEST deal at Disney. We bought them on day 1 for $2.99, the biggest jawbreaker we could find! It comes in a closeable package and hangs around the neck. The kids all had one (well except Boy 1) and they licked and licked on these things....this one is about 1/3 of the way complete.
The cutest box of toys I have every seen!
Ahhh, what a great fun filled day at California's Great Adventure!