There has been a long time rival between the Army - Navy football teams.  And you all know me; I could care less about football!  That is till it comes to Army/Navy football!  The only real reason I like Army/Navy football is because my hubby is a West Pointer (Army for those of you non-military folks). AND the only reason I met hubby is because of the Army/Navy football game back in 1991.  You see, he was late to that game back in December of '91 (something to do with a girlfriend) anyway, because he was late he had to walk the area.  Translation - he couldn’t go very far from West Point when he had free time – i.e., that faithful night in January 92 he could only travel a few miles across the river where we met at Michael’s Tavern in Tarrytown, NY, because he had to come back and ‘walk the area’ again the next morning.  LUCKY me!

So there you have it that is why I LOVE the Army/Navy game!   Now the Army/Navy game has turned into so much more for me – chicken wings, beer, good friends, fun & the love of my life! I love the build up to the game. Last year I even woke up at 4AM to tailgate (in a restaurant with others of like minds) and watch the game in Seoul, South Korea.  There is nothing like having peppermint schnapps in your coffee at 4:30AM when you HAVE been to bed the night before.  This year the bantering on Facebook with my Navy friends these past few weeks has been some of the most fun I have had here in Texas (Yeah, I know that says A LOT!) Here is a little bit of what has been going on.
The goat is the mascot of the Navy.
One of my best pals...yeah, she's a Navy girl.
Last year at the Army/Navy game in South Korea
Even though our wonderful Army team has lost to Navy too many times to count, I don’t really care. I love the good clean fun that has been going on between friends. However, from what people are saying it looks like Army just *might* have a chance this year.  Can you imagine what will go on between me and my friends if Army actually wins this year?  Oh how my friends won’t be able to stand me & they *might* even disown me or worse yet, defriend me on Facebook...
Bring it Boat Girls! 

Jefanna Tipton
12/6/2010 03:22:10 pm

For all grief I give me---I'm not sorry! I used to hang in Tarrytown too, as a nanny...good Lord I could have married Army. Scary thought.

12/7/2010 06:06:41 am

GO ARMY - BEAT NAVY!! I remember going to any Army/Navy game in Philly w/ both my boys...it was so much fun, the rivalry is great (would be nice if Army would win for a change though).


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